Hi...this is about my spiritual half...

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Indian and European way!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a big argument / misunderstanding.
Indians used to wash their porta after their activities in toilet mostly using hands. However in modern day commode attached with water jet provide a ‘off handy’ facility. In this case water jet does the work and spares our hand doing dirty job.

Where as our European counter use toilet paper for the same work and most importantly without any leverage of hand.

Now argument is, as most of my European colleagues say, that ‘how anyone can use same hand what they use for eating’. Please keep in mind when we ‘anuash’ (anus wash), we normally use our left hand unless there is no constraints. Also we Indians are very much comfortable using our hand than fork and knife; but that is the other hand.

Where as Europeans used to hold fork in left hand and knife on the other while eating. There by normally they consider left hand for eating. So, it is conceptual misunderstanding that Indians use same hand for eating and ‘anuash’.

But story is opposite. We use different hand for eating and ‘anuash’
European use left hand for both the work. However they use fork for eating.

Note: Both Indians & Europeans use soap after ‘anuash’ / ‘paperash’ (paper wash).

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